Thursday, April 26, 2012

College Lessons Freshman Year

Dear Incoming Freshman,

     Congratulations on making it this far in your education career.  Now be prepared for your life to be over.  For the next four years your life will be hell unless you follow these life altering lessons, something that no one ever told me.

Lesson #1 Understanding its up to you
     Welcome to college where every decisions rests upon your shoulders.  Everything you decide can have a ripple affect.  Choose to study and you will succeed but have no outside life.  Choose to party and you will have a life but fail in school.  Choose to be somewhere in the middle and you will do just fine.  This is the key to having a successful year.

Lesson #2  Learn it the first time.
     The first time you hear something in class could be your last.  If you have a teacher who is able to read 53 powerpoint slides in 50 minuets you know your class is behind.  Therefore you will only go over this for one day.  Ask questions.  ASK LOTS OF QUESTIONS!

Lesson #3 Beg your teacher
     Beg for homework to get pushed off for an extra day or two.  Eventually teachers give in because they are tired of listening to you, and because they feel bad for pushing 53 power point slides in 1 day.  If you have a one in a million guy who's always causing trouble, John Smith, and he always begs for the homework to be push off use it to your advantage when he is not in class.  Say "this will make John jealous that we got the homework pushed off," or "if we get out of class early John will be so upset because he didn't convince you first".  Having that one person that the teacher can barely stand is a great advantage.  This is  because you both have something annoying in common.

Lesson #4 Read the book
     When a teacher tells you "it might be a good idea to read the book" actually do it.  They aren't kidding when they say that.  College material is so much harder than high school.  Taking an hour of your day to read a chapter is not to bad once you get through it.  Plus you will be more prepared for the class.

Lesson #5 Play Pranks
     When the stress of a teacher finally gets on your nerves play a prank.  Fishing string usually works until they turn the lights on.  These little pranks will relive some of the stress and anger you have toward a teacher because of all the homework, note taking, paper writing, and test taking.  Make sure you do nothing harmful or destructive.  The funny little ones will do just fine.

Lesson #6 Prioritize
     Teachers tell you that you should study 3x the amount that you are in the class room. Seriously? There are only so many hours in the day so make sure you spend your time wisely.  During the weekdays it is often hard because of sports, clubs, and work for those who have jobs.  Weekends are often easier to get work done if you aren't going out partying all the time.  What time you have left should be spent in the library.  I learned this the first semester. I spent a good 3 hours a night in the library doing homework.  My grades boosted up just from spending 3 hours in a quiet area with no distractions.

Lesson #7 Group work
     Strategy is important here.  If you are allowed to pick your own groups here a few grade saving tips.  First, pick someone who is genius.  That way you won't have to work that hard because this person is just good at being smart.  Second, pick a good guesser or bull shiter (excuse my french).  Often group work involves guessing or making things up.  A good guesser or bull shitter (pardon) comes in handy.  Third, pick someone who is good a googling.  Looking things up online is tedious work, but a good googler knows the short cuts.  Fourth, that person who doesn't do anything.  Key here is being funny.  That way they make the work fun, and you're not sitting there bored to tears.  (If you are in Adair's Chemistry Class DO THIS!)

     If you follow these 7 lessons you will do fine in school.  I wish someone would have told me these first semester because I was horribly stressed.  Knowing these ways around the system and finding ways to make class enjoyable would have helped my stress levels and I would have had an easier time adjusting to the college life.  Taking your education into your own hands is vital importance.  In high school everyone was "spoon fed", but now you are on your own.  Good luck to you and your future endeavors.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

C.S. Lewis

Screwtape Letters Chapter 1 Summary
     The first letter in the Screwtape Letters is about how society believes in different things.  They are many philosophies in the world.  Some of these include contemporary and conventional.  C.S. Lewis mentions a person named Jargon.  Lewis tells Wormwood to convince Jargon not to look at the material side of things but rather the immaterial side of things.  Lewis then explains that people should be above arguing.  Basically to just accept the reasons for life and not question anything.  Later, Lewis explains how people are “enslaved” to the “pressure of the ordinary”.  Lewis means that people are forced to believe things rather than letting their mind wander out of the ordinary.  Following this summary is the last paragraph of Letter One paraphrased; 
     Do you see the point? People find it hard to believe things that are unfamiliar to the while the familiar things in life are right in front of them.  Do not use science as a way to defend Christianity.  Encourage Jargon to think about nonmaterial parts of life.  If Jargon needs to be involved in science keep him with the economic and sociology side of since.  Do not let him read science but let him think he gets it all from talk and reading is just investigating his ideas.  Remember you are there to “fuddle him”.  It is our job to teach, remember that. 
     Lewis believes that humans hold two mistaken beliefs about devils which are not believing and believing in devils.  There are countless dangers in believing in devils and without believing in a devil may lead people down a wrong path to making bad choices.  I believe that there is a Devil.  I believe that he is in hell waiting for the bad souls to come down to him where he can torture them for eternity.  It does follow what I believe when it comes to God.  I believe that God is an all powerful being who forgives us when we are truly sorry.  When we are not truly sorry he sends us to hell.  I believe about a Devil and a God because there are both good and bad people in the world.  Also, because I am a Roman Catholic and that is what I have been taught through thirteen years of Catholic grade school.  
     Screwtape sees an argument as problematic because the Devil is more tempting then doing good.   For example, you happen to be walking down the street with a friend when you pass an old lady struggling to carry her bags.  Logic would say, help the old lady and be saved for the rest of your life or screw today and maybe tomorrow you can do good.  Where as the Devil would say you could help the old lady but we will be late for the football game so what you want to do.  
     Virtues are less impressive to devils when patients know them because when patients begin to think of others.  When patients think of others they think less about them selves.  The devils twist humility by telling his nephew to be proud for being humble.  By doing this he will eventually become not humble.  The true nature of humility is being humble and coy.  Virtue relates to the meaning of life because moral people do not try to hurt others and live a truth filled life.  
     He can twist the patient’s faith by making him believe that his faith is just among a group of people. He can make the person question their own beliefs. Peer pressure has both a positive and negative growth in finding one’s own meaning of life.  A positive growth because one can find their own meaning of life through their own spiritual adventure.  A negative growth because people can pressure you into believing something just to fit in.  The influence of my parents has helped me to let myself find my meaning of life by letting me be who I want to be.  They guide me on the right path, but when it comes to making life altering decisions they allowed me to make the decision.  The influence of others of a negative force in discovering life’s meaning comes from the fact that people want to fit in.  When a group of people shuns you for believing something most people will cave to the group even if it means doing something they do not believe in.  

Monday, April 16, 2012

Thoreau's Walden

Where I Lived, and What I Lived For: Summary
     Thoreau described the places he looked at to live before choosing Walden Pond.  He figured out that he wanted to live away from socialization and the woods was the best place to do this.  When he moves into the house way Walden Pond he describes it as a place fit for a god or goddess.  Thoreau ends Where I Lived, and What I Lived For by basically saying people need to continue on in their existence until they hit they hit rock bottom to really understand what reality is in our world.

Where I Lived, and What I Lived For: Paraphrase [3]
     Thoreau has watched a poet back, having delighted in the best area of the farm, while a farmer reckoned he only received a few apples. A poet is the farmer while the rhyme is the farm it must be worked at until it is perfect and finished.

Conclusion: Summary
     Thoreau talks about how a doctors tell people to change their scenery when they are sick.  He disagrees and instead believes a change of personality instead of landscape would benefit the person more.  He tells people that by striving for their dreams they will meet unknown successes.  Thoreau tries to inspire people to sell their nice clothing and leave what they know behind in order to find out who they really are.

Conclusion: Paraphrase [9]
     Some say that Americans are not as smart as men from ancient times.  But what does that have to do with anything? A living animal is better than a dead one.  Man should kill himself because he dwells in a race of non intelligent people instead of being the smartest person he can.  Everyone should mind their own business and strive to be what they want to be.

 1 -     In my opinion Thoreau is a Subjectivist.  There are two examples that make Thoreau a subjectivist.  In the first example, from Where I Lived, and What I Lived For, Thoreau explains how doctors tell people who are sick they should change their scenery. Thoreau disagrees and instead believes people should change who they are on the inside.  The doctor is saying that if people changed the objects around them they will get better while Thoreau says if people change who they are mentally they will get better.  In the second example, from Conclusion, Thoreau urges people to sell their material possessions.  If people were to get rid of their possessions they could focus on their personality and who they really are.

2 -      "The universe is wider than our views of it." Thoreau says this in the chapter Conclusion.  I believe Thoreau means that there is more to the world then what we know.  I agree with this statement.  There is more to the world then what we know and what we see.  There are things going on in other countries that are not going on here in America that we do not know of.

3 -      I agree with Thoreau's statement of "I found thus that I had been a rich man without any damage to my poverty".  I agree with this because people can be "rich" without being economically rich.  People need basic needs in life to survive.  These basic needs include foot, clothing, shelter, and water.  With these basic needs satisfied people can focus on other things in life like Thoreau did.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Franz Kafka: The Trial

Summary of Chapter 1
     The first chapter of the novella The Trial we are introduced to the main character Josef K.  He woke up on his thirtieth birthday to a few different men who inform him that he is under arrest.  These men offer K. no explanation to why he has been arrested.  After a few hours K. is sent to the Inspector who informs him that he can go about his business. K. went to his weekly places; the bank, a beer hall, and to visit a waitress named Elsa.  K. returns to his lodge and meets up with a lover named Fraulein Burstner.
Paraphrase in Chapter 2 (Page 21)
     On a Sunday K. was told about his hearing for his case.  He was told that that the cross examinations would happen one after another.  Most of the proceedings were quickly ended, but sometimes they take longer.  Since this is how the trials are run they decide to hold a bunch of few short hearings.  They chose Sunday so K.'s work was not bothered.  K. actually wanted another date.  Instead of the morning the examinations could have been held at night.  Since K. said nothing about the hearings they were left to be on Sunday.  K. was told to show up "without fail" and was given the number of the building where he was supposed to show up.

     Josef is the main character of the novella and is under arrest on his thirthieth birthday (Kafka 3).  The novellea never specifically tells the reader what he is arrested for.  My theory is that K. is under arrest for guilt and judgement.  My reasoning for this is because I belive the legal system has no idea what they are doing because they have arrested him for no particular reason.  The legal system seems to have no idea what they are doing because they make K. come to multiple hearings (Kafka 21).  This seems to be that Kafka is reflecting his life with his father.  His dad use to come home and yell at him for no reason.  The legal system is "yelling" at K. for no apparent resason.  An example of this was when K. was first arrested.  The men who arrest him never gave him a reason or any indication to why he was being arrested (Kafka 3).

     The rejection of morals, relgion, and the belief that life is basically meaningless is Nihilism.  Kafka describes this through K.'s lack of intrest in his trials.  For example, K. does not care much about the trial and does not feel the need to dress his best.  K. does not take a bath because it will "speed up the process" (Kafka 8).